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发布日期:2012-03-20 15:03 来源:网 络 作者:admin 浏览次数:

ChemOffice by CambridgeSoft

The industry standard scientific research desktop software suite designed for chemists in the lab and in the classroom.

ChemOffice Ultra is the premier scientific software suite designed to meet the needs of chemists in the life sciences, chemicals and other industries. ChemOffice Ultra 2010 is the software package of chemistry data analysis programs for organic, medicinal and bench chemists in the same way that MS Office is the productivity suite ubiquitous for all business professionals

ChemOffice Ultra 2010 is comprised of three core applications, ChemDraw for chemical structure drawing and analysis, Chem3D for molecular modeling and visualization, and ChemFinder, a chemical relational database application including ChemBioViz, a visualization tool designed to correlate chemical data with activity. These programs work together to create the top chem lab software & research tools available today.


ChemOffice is a powerful suite of software, consisting of ChemDraw, Chem3D, ChemFinder and ChemACX for chemists, BioOffice, BioAssay, BioViz, and BioDraw for biologists, and Inventory, E-Notebook and The Merck Index for scientists. ChemOffice and BioOffice are available for Microsoft Windows. 

Software Offerings:

  • ChemOffice Ultra 2010 Suite

    This ultimate chemistry suite includes ChemBioDraw Ultra 12.0, MNova Std/Lite, ChemScript Pro 12.0, ChemBio3D Ultra 12.0, ChemBio3D interfaces to Schrödinger’s Jaguar and Gaussian, GAMESS Pro 12.0, MOPAC 2009, ChemBioFinder Ultra 12.0, ChemBioViz Pro 12.0, STATISTICA Base, E-Notebook Ultra 12.0, ChemDraw/Excel and CombiChem/Excel, the ChemDraw and Chem3D ActiveX Pro Plugins & Controls, as well as the ChemINDEX (Index, RXN, NCI & AIDS) databases and a 1-year complimentary subscription to ePub.

    ChemOffice Ultra 2010 adds ChemBioFinder Ultra, CombiChem/Excel, ChemBio3D interfaces to Schrödinger’s Jaguar and Gaussian, GAMESS, MOPAC 2009, and a 1-year subscription to ePub to the ChemOffice Pro 2010 suite.

    (W = Windows Only)

  • ChemOffice Ultra 2010 Trial Download Two Week

    This free demo is a fully functional version of ChemOffice Ultra 2010 Suite without the databases. It expires two weeks after you are assigned a serial number and registration code. *(W = Windows Only)

  • ChemOffice Pro 2010 Suite

    This premier chemistry suite includes ChemBioDraw Ultra 12.0, MNova Std/Lite, ChemScript, ChemBio3D Ultra 12.0, ChemBioFinder Pro 12.0, ChemDraw/Excel, and E-Notebook Ultra 12.0, the ChemDraw and Chem3D ActiveX Pro Plugins & Controls, as well as the ChemINDEX (Index, RXN, NCI & AIDS) databases.

    ChemOffice Pro 2010 adds ChemBioDraw Ultra, ChemBio3D Ultra, ChemBioFinder Pro, ChemNMR, Name=Struct, ClogP, and the ChemINDEX (Index, RXN, NCI & AIDS) database, to ChemOffice Std 2010.

    (W = Windows Only)

  • ChemOffice Std 2010 Suite

    This standard chemistry suite includes ChemDraw Pro 12.0, Chem3D Pro 12.0, ChemBioFinder Std 12.0, E-Notebook Pro 12.0, ChemBioFinder/Office 12.0, and the ChemDraw and Chem3D ActiveX Pro Plugins & Controls.

    ChemOffice Std 2010 adds ChemDraw Pro, the ChemBioFinder application, as well as MS Office Integration, Additional file formats, Chemical query properties, the ability to create and edit templates and nicknames and more to ChemOffice Ltd.

    (W = Windows Only)

  • ChemOffice ActiveX Pro 2010 Suite

    This premier suite includes ChemDraw ActiveX Pro 12.0 and Chem3D ActiveX Pro 12.0 (W). It allows you to view and publish chemical structures and molecular models online.

    (W = Windows Only)

  • ChemOffice ActiveX Viewer 2010 Suite

    ChemOffice ActiveX Viewer 2010 is an ActiveX control suite consisting of ChemDraw ActiveX/Plugin Viewer 12.0 and Chem3D ActiveX Viewer 12.0. It allows you to view and manipulate chemical structures and molecular models online, without the capability to print, save, copy or paste a modified drawing.

    (W = Windows Only)

  • ChemOffice Viewer 2010 Suite

    ChemOffice Viewer is a free basic structure and database viewer. Users can search and browse databases without the capability to print, save, copy or paste a modified drawing. This suite included ChemDraw Viewer 12.0, ChemBioFinder Viewer 12.0, and the ChemDraw ActiveX Viewer 12.0.

    (W = Windows Only)

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