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Identification of a novel Streptomyces sp. strain HU2014

发布日期:2023-03-19 20:30 来源:研究小组 作者:AgroIPM 浏览次数:

Identification assays of HU2014. (A) Phylogenetic tree of HU2014 by Neighbor-Joining method based on 16S gene sequence and closely related species within the genus of Streptomyces. Bootstrap values were indicated with the numbers at nodes and were obtained with 1,000 replications. The length of the branches reflected sequence divergence (percentage of base changes). (B) Circular genome map for HU2014 using CG View. The outermost circle indicates the genome size. The second and third circles indicate CDS on forward and reverse strands colored according to COG category. The fourth circle is the repetitive sequences. The fifth circle shows the tRNA (blue) and rRNA (purple). The sixth circle shows G+C content in light yellow (+) and purple (-). The innermost circle shows the G+C skew in deep grey (G content more than C content) and red (G content less than C content). The scale is shown in the innermost circle.

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