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Efficacy of Chitosan Nanoparticle Loaded-Salicylic Acid and

发布日期:2024-06-13 20:32 来源:网络 作者:Nguyen Huy Hoang 浏览次数:

Efficacy of Chitosan Nanoparticle Loaded-Salicylic Acid and -Silver on Management of Cassava Leaf Spot Disease

Polymers 202214(4), 660; https://doi.org/10.3390/polym14040660


Leaf spot is one of the most important cassava diseases. Nanotechnology can be applied to control diseases and improve plant growth. This study was performed to prepare chitosan (CS) nanoparticle (NP)-loaded salicylic acid (SA) or silver (Ag) by the ionic gelation method, and to evaluate their effectiveness on reducing leaf spot disease and enhancing the growth of cassava plants. The CS (0.4 or 0.5%) and Pentasodium triphosphate (0.2 or 0.5%) were mixed with SA varying at 0.05, 0.1, or 0.2% or silver nitrate varying at 1, 2, or 3 mM to prepare three formulations of CS-NP-loaded SA named N1, N2, and N3 or CS-NP-loaded Ag named N4, N5, and N6. The results showed that the six formulations were not toxic to cassava leaves up to 800 ppm. The CS-NP-loaded SA (N3) and CS-NP-loaded Ag (N6) were more effective than the remaining formulations in reducing the disease severity and the disease index of leaf spot. Furthermore, N3 at 400 ppm and N6 at 200, 400, and 800 ppm could reduce disease severity (68.9–73.6% or 37.0–37.7%, depending on the time of treatment and the pathogen density) and enhance plant growth more than or equal to commercial fungicide or nano-fungicide products under net-house conditions. The study indicates the potential to use CS-NP-loaded SA or Ag as elicitors to manage cassava leaf spot disease.
cassava leaf spotchitosanionic gelation methodnanoparticlesalicylic acidsilver
叶片斑点病是木薯最重要的疾病之一。纳米技术可以应用于控制疾病并促进植物生长。本研究的目的是采用离子凝胶法制备载有水杨酸(SA)或银(Ag)的壳聚糖(CS)纳米粒子(NP),并评估它们在减少木薯叶片斑点病和促进木薯植物生长方面的有效性。CS(0.4%或0.5%)和五钠磷酸盐(0.2%或0.5%)与SA(0.05%,0.1%或0.2%)或硝酸银(1,2,或3 mM)混合,以制备三种载有SA的CS-NP配方,命名为N1、N2和N3,或载有Ag的CS-NP配方,命名为N4、N5和N6。结果表明,这六种配方对木薯叶片的毒性不超过800 ppm。载有SA的CS-NP(N3)和载有Ag的CS-NP(N6)在减少疾病严重程度和叶片斑点病指数方面比其他配方更有效。此外,在网室条件下,N3在400 ppm和N6在200、400和800 ppm的浓度下,能够减少疾病严重程度(68.9–73.6%或37.0–37.7%,具体取决于处理时间和病原体密度)并促进植物生长,效果等于或优于商业杀菌剂或纳米杀菌剂产品。研究表明,使用载有SA或Ag的CS-NP作为诱导子来管理木薯叶片斑点病具有潜在的应用前景。

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