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Harnessing rhizosphere microbiomes for drought-resilient

发布日期:2020-05-14 15:24 来源:Science 作者:网络 浏览次数:
Franciska T. de Vries, Rob I. GriffithsChristopher G. KnightOceane NicolitchAlex Williams
Science  17 Apr 2020:
Vol. 368, Issue 6488, pp. 270-274
DOI: 10.1126/science.aaz5192


Root-associated microbes can improve plant growth, and they offer the potential to increase crop resilience to future drought. Although our understanding of the complex feedbacks between plant and microbial responses to drought is advancing, most of our knowledge comes from non-crop plants in controlled experiments. We propose that future research efforts should attempt to quantify relationships between plant and microbial traits, explicitly focus on food crops, and include longer-term experiments under field conditions. Overall, we highlight the need for improved mechanistic understanding of the complex feedbacks between plants and microbes during, and particularly after, drought. This requires integrating ecology with plant, microbiome, and molecular approaches and is central to making crop production more resilient to our future climate.

图1 Relationships among plant and microbial drought response and effect traits

Hypothesized alterations in plant-microbial interactions during and after drought

Harnessing rhizosphere microbiomes for drought-resilient crop production

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