
Lab & Experiment


实验操作 设计与统计 文献与写作 热点与前沿


发布日期:2020-10-01 18:16 浏览次数:

DP4-AI version 1.0 is the successor the PyDP4. As described in our latest paper(https://doi.org/10.26434/chemrxiv.11763255.v1), DP4-AI represents a significant increase in functionality over PyDP4.

DP4-AI integrates NMR-AI, software for automatic processing, assignment and visualisation of raw NMR data. This functionality affords fully automated DP4 analysis of databases of molecules with no user input. DP4-AI also utilises a fully revised version of PyDP4 updated for Python 3 and with major workflow improvements.

Users can now also choose to run DP4-AI within a Graphical user interface for increased ease of use when single DP4 calculations. This graphical user interface can also be used to explore the spectra processed and assigned by NMR-AI. DP4-AI can also be utilised to perform assignments of NMR spectra for a single isomer of a molecule. These assignments can be viewed in the graphical output from DP4-AI or investigated interactively using The included GUI application.

More details about the software can be found in the publication DP4-AI Straight from Spectrometer to Structure (https://doi.org/10.26434/chemrxiv.11763255.v1) and in the accompanying supporting information.



A Howarth,K Ermanis和JM Goodman,Chemical Science,2020,DOI:10.1039 / d0sc00442a






