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发布日期:2017-11-05 21:03 来源:网 络 作者:曾海波 浏览次数:
曾海波 1,2  杨少安 1,2  陈咏梅 1,2,*
* 通讯作者, E-mail: chenym@mail.xjtu.edu.cn
* Corresponding author (email: chenym@mail.xjtu.edu.cn)
中国科学 : 化学 47(3), 285-299(2017);  10.1360/N032016-00095 
生物体内广泛存在的自愈合现象是生物体维持正常生命功能的重要因素. 作为一种柔性智能材料, 自愈合凝胶因具有与生物体类似的可以修复受损的结构和功能的特性而受到了研究者们越来越多的关注. 近年来, 多功能柔性材料的兴起对自愈合凝胶的性能提出了更高的要求, 也为设计新型自愈合凝胶材料提出了更大的挑战. 赋予自愈合凝胶发光性能有助于推动柔性材料在生物医学(生物成像、药物运输及生物传感器等)和工程领域(光学开关、pH传感器和热传感器等)中的广泛应用, 势必会引起研究者更多的关注. 本文综述了发光自愈合凝胶的最新设计思路、性能和潜在应用, 并展望其未来发展前景.
Abstract: The self-healing phenomenon universally existed in organisms (from molecular level repair of DNA to macroscopic level repair of the soft tissue) is extremely important for organisms to maintain their normal physiological functions. As a smart soft material, self-healing gels attracted much attention owing to repair the damaged structures and functions just like biological features. There is a great challenge to design novel self-healing gels in order to meet the need of multi-functional flexible gels. Endowing self-healing gels with photoluminescent property can promote and extend the applications of gels in biomedical field (biological imaging, drug delivery and biosensors, etc.) and engineering (optical switch, pH sensors and thermal sensors, etc.), which attracts more attention of researchers. This paper reviews the latest design ideas, performance of photoluminescent self-healing gels and their potential applications. The challenges and future development about photoluminescent self-healing gels is also proposed here.

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